Buy 2000mAh battery extender Juice Pack Plus Case and Rechargeable 2000mAh battery extender for iPhone 4 & 4S -Yellow
Most of the patron reviews inform that the 2000mAh battery extender Juice Pack Plus Case and Rechargeable 2000mAh battery extender for iPhone 4 & 4S -Yellow from Publisher ,are quality product. It could be a pretty great product for the value. You can scan overview from consumers to find out additional from their past experiences. The customers feedback will give you a nice suggestion of the price and nice satisfaction of the products.
All in all, we are actually suggest 2000mAh battery extender Juice Pack Plus Case and Rechargeable 2000mAh battery extender for iPhone 4 & 4S -Yellow fou you. This shopping online sellers supply the best and save cost value which included super conserve shipping (in U.S.A. only). Reading opinions provides you using a a lot of fuller data on the cons and pros on the 2000mAh battery extender Juice Pack Plus Case and Rechargeable 2000mAh battery extender for iPhone 4 & 4S -Yellow.
All in all, we are actually suggest 2000mAh battery extender Juice Pack Plus Case and Rechargeable 2000mAh battery extender for iPhone 4 & 4S -Yellow fou you. This shopping online sellers supply the best and save cost value which included super conserve shipping (in U.S.A. only). Reading opinions provides you using a a lot of fuller data on the cons and pros on the 2000mAh battery extender Juice Pack Plus Case and Rechargeable 2000mAh battery extender for iPhone 4 & 4S -Yellow.
Product Specifications
Function: iPhone4/4S External Battery
Material: Hard Plastic
Battery Capacity: 2000 mAh
Compatibility: Apple iPhone4/4S
Dimensions: 5.10 in x 2.57 in x 0.71 in; 2.5 oz
Product Features
The Juice Pack Plus more than doubles the life of your iPhone with its built in 2000mAh rechargable battery. The comfortable dual-injected design gives your iPhone the complete protection of a hard shell case with a shock-resistant rubberized band.
• Ultra-impact-resistant, shock-proof band adds an extra layer of protection
• Rechargeable lithium polymer battery more than doubles your time to rock, talk, surf and send
• Pass-through USB charging and sync with iTunes
• Extended smart battery and full case protection
• Standby switch offers choice of battery or case and the integrated 4 LED light indicates your charge status.
What's in the box
juice pack plus*1
USB-micro cable*1
2000mAh battery extender Juice Pack Plus Case and Rechargeable 2000mAh battery extender for iPhone 4 & 4S -Yellow Feature
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